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Animal Handling Policy

Handling Animals Policy 

Animals play a key part in the Little Country Lovers experience. 

Children are continually learning about different farm, domestic and wild animals when they are with us. This may include contact with some animals so we aim to ensure this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls. 

Procedures: Animals as pets 

  • Wherever possible we take into account of the views of parents and children when selecting 

an animal for the setting. 

  • We carry out a risk assessment with a knowledgeable person accounting for any hygiene or safety risks posed by the animal. 
  • We provide suitable housing for the animal and ensure it is cleaned out regularly and kept safely. 
  • We ensure the correct food is offered at the right times. 
  • We make sure all regular health measures are up-to-date and recorded. 
  • Children are taught correct handling and care of the animal and are supervised 
  • Children wash their hands thoroughly after handling the animal. 
  • Staff wear disposable gloves when cleaning housing or handling soiled bedding. 
  • Any animals brought in by visitors to show the children are the responsibility of the owner and must be kept under control at all times. 
  • Parents must not bring dogs or other animals on site without prior agreement with the Manager. 

Procedures: Farm animals 

  • Regular risk assessments are carried out - this may take account of safety factors listed in the farm’s own risk assessment, which should be viewed.
  • Children wash their hands thoroughly after contact with animals. 
  • Outdoor footwear worn around the animals should not be subsequently worn indoors. 


Written and reviewed by: 





Next review date: 

Next review date: 

Jane O’Keefe 

December 2017 

December 2018 

December 2019

 April 2021  April 22  
