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Behaviour Management Policy


Little Country Lovers uses effective behaviour management strategies to promote the welfare and enjoyment of children attending the Club. Working in partnership with parents, we aim to manage behaviour using clear, consistent and positive strategies. The Club rules are clearly displayed at every session, and are discussed regularly at team talks.


As Little Country Lovers is based on a working farm, with all the additional risks that entails, it is essential that children listen to and follow instructions from staff at all times,  to ensure the safety of everyone present.


Whilst at Little Country Lovers we expect children to: 

  • Use socially acceptable behaviour
  • Comply with our Behaviour code ( Farmer Bill says)
  • Listen to and follow instructions, especially on walks around the farm.
  • Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion
  • Develop their independence by maintaining self-discipline
  • Choose and participate in a variety of activities
  • Ask for help if needed
  • Enjoy their time at the Club.


Encouraging positive behaviour


At LCL positive behaviour is encouraged by:

  • Staff acting as positive role models
  • Praising and rewarding appropriate behaviour
  • Informing parents about individual achievements
  • Offering a variety of play opportunities to meet the needs of children attending the Club. 

It is inevitable that there are times when children will need support and guidance to understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. Staff at the LCL will try to determine the cause or triggers of the inappropriate behaviour to prevent the situation from recurring.


Dealing with inappropriate behaviour 

  • Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive manner.
  • In the first instance, the behaviour will be addressed by staff
  • Staff will discuss why the behaviour displayed is deemed inappropriate.
  • Staff will give the child an opportunity to explain their behaviour, to help prevent a recurrence. 
  • If there is no improvement the child will be temporarily removed from the activity, if necessary to sit quietly with a member of staff.
  • Staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation.
  • If the inappropriate behaviour appears to be as a result of boredom we will consult with the child to find activities that engage them more fully.
  • Staff will notify parents and discuss with them to formulate clear strategies for dealing with persistent inappropriate behaviour.
  • We will not threaten any punishment that could adversely affect a child’s well-being (eg withdrawal of food or drink).
  • If after consultation with parents and the implementation of behaviour management strategies, a child continues to display inappropriate behaviour, the Club may decide to exclude the child as a last resort. The reasons and processes involved will be clearly explained to the child.


Physical intervention 

Physical intervention will only be used as a last resort, when staff believe that action is necessary to prevent injury to the child or others, or to prevent significant damage to equipment or property. If a member of staff has to physically restrain a child, the manager will be notified and an Incident reportwill be completed. The incident will be discussed with the parent or carer as soon as possible. If staff are not confident about their ability to contain a situation, they should call the manager.

 All serious incidents will be recorded on an Incident report  kept on file. ThiS may be used to build a pattern of behaviour, which may indicate an underlying cause. If  a pattern of incidents indicates possible abuse, we will implement child protection procedures in accordance with our policy.


Corporal punishment 

We are responsible for managing children’s behaviour in an appropriate way. We must not give corporal punishment to a child and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that corporal punishment is not given by any person who cares for or is in regular contact with a child, or by any person living or working in the premises where care is provided. 

 We do not threaten corporal punishment, and must not use or threaten any punishment which could adversely affect a child’s well-being.


This policy was adopted by: Little Country Lovers        Signed:                    March 2018

Reviewed Ocotber 2022


To be reviewed: October 2023




