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Missing Child  Policy


At Little Country Lovers we endeavour to keep children safe and secure at all times by ensuring that they are supervised at all times during the day. Entry to the buildings is monitored closely by staff.  All adults are reminded to close any gates behind them.


Procedures:   Child going missing on the premises 

- As soon as it is noticed that a child is missing the staff member alerts the Manager.

- The Manager carries out a thorough search of the buildings and outside areas. 

- The register is  taken to make sure no other child has also gone astray. 

- Doors and gates  are checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out. 

- If the child is  not found, the parent is contacted and the missing child is reported to the police. 

-The Manager talks to the staff to find out when and where the child was last seen and records this. 

 -An investigation is  carried out. 


Procedures:   Child going missing around the farm or in the woods

  • As soon as it is  noticed that a child is missing, staff blow the whistle for children to stand still and listen.
  • A headcount is  carried out to ensure that no other child has gone astray.
  • One staff member searches the immediate vicinity but does not search beyond that. 
  • The Manager  (if not present) is contacted immediately and the incident is reported. 
  • The Manager contacts the police and reports the child as missing. 
  • The Manager contacts the parent, who makes their way to the site.


