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 Play Policy

 All children are entitled to play; it is intrinsic to their quality of life and an important part of how they learn and develop.  At Little Country Lovers we recognise the importance of play and follow the Playwork Principles. We support and facilitate play, and do not seek to control or direct it. We will never force children to participate in play,  but allow them to initiate and direct the experience for themselves. 


Facilitating play

We support and facilitate play by:

· Providing an environment which is safe and suitable for playing in.                                          

· Setting up the Club so that activities are ready before the children arrive.                          

· Providing a range of equipment, resources, activities and experiences on a daily basis       

· Encouraging children to request additional or alternative equipment as they choose, and if a request has to be refused, explaining why.                                                                                      

· Not expecting children to be occupied at all times, allowing them to just ‘be’ if necessary. 

· Making outdoor play, walks and farm chores available every day, unless the weather is particularly hazardous i.e. in thunder storms.                                                                                   

· Reflecting children’s suggestions when planning activities                                              

· Planning activities that enable children to develop their natural curiosity and imagination.

· Allowing children freedom of creative expression, particularly in artistic or creative play.   

· Intervening in play only when necessary: to reduce risks of accident or injury, or to encourage appropriate social skills.                                                                                                      

· Warning children in advance when an activity  is due to end.


 Play areas and equipment 

  • All indoor and outdoor play areas are checked  daily before the children arrive in accordance with our Risk Assessment policy.                                                                  
  • LCL reviews its resources and equipment regularly to identify where any additional resources are required.                                                                                                     
  • Children are involved in selecting additional equipment and resources for use at the Club. The resources used at the Club promote positive images of different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and abilities, in line with our Equalities policy. 
  • The Club has a selection of fiction and non-fiction books, suitable for all age ranges. 


This policy was adopted by: Little Country Lovers                    

 Date: MARCH 2018

Reviewed: MARCH 2019                                              

Reviewed: MARCH 2020    

Reviewed: April 2021 by Jane O'Keefe, manager                                                

To be reviewed: April 2022       




